Importer Sff
This tool is used to import sprites in png indexed color format. Useful to use in SelectScreen for character presentation.
Last updated
This tool is used to import sprites in png indexed color format. Useful to use in SelectScreen for character presentation.
Last updated
To access the Importer SFF tool, go to UnityMugen>>Importer sff.
When using this field, the Sprite generated by this tool will have this structure [NameChar_Group-Index].
Example: kfmCustom_0-0
If no value is imported into the field, the tool will generate Sprites with the name [NameSff_0-0].
Example: kfm_0-0
If this field is activated, each animation group will be separated by folders named according to the group name.
Otherwise the sprites will be extracted in the current folder.
If this field is not filled in, all images from the .sff file will be extracted to the current folder.
If you want to extract a specific group of Sprites, fill in this field with the number of the Group you want to extract.
If you want to extract several groups at once, place the name of the groups separated by a comma.
This button will start extracting Sprites in the current Folder.